Our farm is 23 acres, 17 acres of which are planted with trees. Trees available for cutting have tags on them listing the variety, height and price. Each tag has the row and tree number on the back to help you note potential candidates and relocate them with ease. We tagged over 2000 of our best trees for cutting.
Our terrain is fairly flat, making for easy walking among the rows and rows of trees. We can provide you with a map showing where to find the specific type of tree you are looking for or you can just wander until the perfect selection catches your eye.
Our U-Cut tree varieties are Fraser, Grand, Doug, Nordmann and Noble firs. For pictures of the different types of trees, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Lochsloy-Acres-227019360657609/
Our terrain is fairly flat, making for easy walking among the rows and rows of trees. We can provide you with a map showing where to find the specific type of tree you are looking for or you can just wander until the perfect selection catches your eye.
Our U-Cut tree varieties are Fraser, Grand, Doug, Nordmann and Noble firs. For pictures of the different types of trees, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Lochsloy-Acres-227019360657609/
Lochsloy Acres Tree Farm
5511 State Road 92
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
[email protected]
Member of Puget Sound Christmas Tree Association
5511 State Road 92
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
[email protected]
Member of Puget Sound Christmas Tree Association